This article will walk you through the process of consolidating Scratch Live libraries located on multiple drives into one insane-a-byte “mega drive”.
1. Keep Scratch Live closed
- If you’ve moved the location of files which are already in your library, they will show up as not found and be displayed in red. Drag and drop a folder from Finder (Mac) or Explorer (Windows) onto the Relocate Lost Files button to search it, and any sub- folders, for files currently marked as not found in your library.
- The Manual for rane's digital djing solution - Serato Scratch Live. Issuu company logo. Features Fullscreen sharing Embed Analytics Article stories Visual Stories SEO.
- Mar 05, 2008 Open up the browser from your desktop, highlight the folders your files are in, and drag/drop them onto the 'relocate lost files' tab inside SSL. That should calculate the location of your files on your new drive. If it doesn't than try dragging/dropping different variations of the folders and or sub folders onto the 'relocate lost files' tab.
- 2 computers and 4 decks using your favorite mixer rane sl4 for serato scratch live. operator’s manual 2.5.0.
- Using the 'Relocate Lost Files' feature Serato DJ has a great built in feature which can relocate your music if it has been moved to a different location on your computer. This how-to will give you a quick run down on using 'relocate lost files' effectively.
Scratch Live Relocate Lost Files In Serato Dj
2. Starting with your first drive, create a new folder and name it “Hide from SSL”.
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3. Locate your music files and folders and drop them all into the “Hide from SSL” folder
Scratch Live Relocate Lost Files Not Working
4. Open your second drive and repeat the same process. Create a new folder and call it “Hide from SSL”. Drop all of your music files and folders into the “Hide from SSL” folder.
Serato Scratch Live Relocate Lost Files
5. If you have music stored on your internal drive that you want to consolidate, repeat the same processes. Create a new folder and call it 'Hide from SSL'. Drop all of your music files and folders into the 'Hide from SSL' folder.
6. Connect your new “mega drive” and copy all your music files and folders into the new drive. In the example below, I copied all my music files and folders into a new folder called “Consolidated Music Library”
7. After your music files and folders from each drive are copied over to your “mega drive”, open Scratch Live and click the Rescan ID3 tags button found within the Files panel (see below picture). This will turn all you files pink to prepare them for relocating.
8. When the rescan ID3 tag process is complete, click on your new “mega drive”, grab the folder your music was copied into (mine is called Consolidated Music Library) and drop it onto the Relocate Lost Files button (make sure the Read iTunes Library feature is off before relocating files).
9. The Relocate Lost Files process can take awhile to complete and may appear to do nothing at times. Basically, wait for the Relocate Lost Files button to turn off before continuing.
Scratch Live Relocate Lost Files Feature
10. After the Relocate Lost Files feature is finished and all the previously pink files are white (indicating a playable/found copy), eject your old external drives but leave the new “mega drive” connected.
Scratch Live Relocate Lost Files 2017
11. The library consolidation process should now be complete. If successful, Scratch Live will have combined the library and crate information from each drive and consolidated everything onto the new “mega drive” within the _Serato_ folder.